Manifestation: “I See It, I Like It, I Want It, I Got It”

Photo by Marcus Jones of MNM Photography

Manifestation is a term that is fairly new to me. There are a lot of different ‘definitions’ and ‘interpretations’ of the word manifestation but the easiest way to put it is something that is put into your physical reality through thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Essentially your thoughts and feelings become your reality. By nature this is a huge struggle for me! While I wouldn’t describe myself as a negative person, I do worry a lot. Over the years I’ve recognized that I usually worry as a result of fear. I’m scared of certain outcomes so I worry about them happening before they do. Often times those fears never even come to fruition and I was usually worried for no reason but that unfortunately doesn’t stop me from doing it. I’m working on it though.

About a month ago, I had a conversation with a really good friend and I was telling him that I was choosing to make certain decisions because I was afraid that certain things would happen (or not happen). His advice to me was to not allow fear to motivate my decision. Since that conversation I have been making a conscious effort not to base my decisions on fear. Instead I try to allow myself to be motivated by love and my desires for my life. This is where manifestation comes into play. I literally think of what I want the end result of a situation to be and I make a decision based on that. But more importantly than that I have begun to act as if I already have what I want. I realized that if I think negative more than likely negative things will occur.

Let me give you some examples. Let’s say you have a big test coming up. If you constantly think and believe that you will not do well on this test chances are you won’t see the point in studying very hard for it. And guess what will more than likely happen? Correct. You probably won’t do well on the test. But, let’s say you think/say/believe that you will do well on this test and visualize yourself doing so? You even go as far as to think about what you will do to celebrate after you do well on this test. You will more than likely study hard for this test and chances are you will do well on the test.

I know that most situations in life won’t be as simple as having to study for and take a test. Most of us are dealing with very complex things in this thing called life. But, I made a decision a month ago to envision the life I want for myself: the career, the house, the car, the guy, the babies, the happiness, and the peace. I mean I got specific with these things too. I see THE house, THE guy, THE babies, THE career, etc.. And then I decided to believe that those things are mine. I mean really believe. Anytime fear or doubt creep in I choose to redirect my thoughts back to the vision I have for my life. As a result I am finding that I am moving different in life. Because I see the career so clear I am making moves now where my career is concerned that will get me where I will eventually end up. Because I see the guy (like the specific guy lol) so clear that I’ve already started to jot down fun ideas for dates for us to do together. Because I see the babies so clear I’m already thinking about what kind of mother I want to be and how I want to raise my children. I’m also putting in work in the gym so my snap back after I give birth will be crazy! lol

I want to be completely transparent and say that this is not easy. As I mentioned before I usually think the worse in situations so thinking this way doesn’t come natural to me at all. However I realized that hasn’t served me well. I looked back and realized how much fear and anxiety played a role in a lot of my decisions. I also recognized how thinking the worse usually affected the level of effort I put into things so I was desperate to try a new approach. I’ve by no means mastered the art of manifestation but it’s something I plan to work on day by day until it becomes a way of life.

Do you practice manifestation in your life?


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